How A Cosmetic Smile Analysis In Plymouth, MI Can Improve Your Smile

It’s a well-known fact that our smiles have much to do with the first impressions we make. Studies show that the number of teeth shown when smiling impacts how old you look. In youthful smiles, the front teeth are longer, creating a line that dips slightly downward in the middle and up again at the corners of the mouth. In older smiles, the front teeth are usually more worn, so teeth look straight across. Stains, discoloration, and chips can also make a smile look older.

With the advent of modern dentistry, however, we have methods available to turn back time on the appearance of smiles. As your dentist in Plymouth at Select Dental Group, we offer a variety of non- or minimally-invasive cosmetic techniques that can shave off years your appearance.

What’s involved with a cosmetic smile analysis?

What part(s) of your teeth would you like to change most? Read the questions below and if you answer “yes” to any of them, as your dentist in Plymouth, we can help!

  1. Do you have staining or discoloration on your teeth?
  2. Do you have any uneven, fractured or rough edges?
  3. Are your teeth crooked, crowded, or overlapping?
  4. Are there ,gaps between your teeth or are you missing teeth?
  5. Are your teeth uneven in shape or length?

What should you know when considering cosmetic dentistry?

It’s paramount that the dentist you choose is skilled in cosmetic dentistry, and makes before-and-after photos of treatments and procedures they’ve performed available for your viewing, whether on social media or their website. If you’re interested in learning more about their education, don’t be afraid to ask what continuing education courses they’ve completed to stay current with clinical cosmetic dentistry techniques.

Following a smile analysis, how will you know what procedure is right for you?

Our dental team is here to answer any and all questions you may have about the treatments and procedures available to benefit the condition of your teeth and craft the smile result you want. Providing these details to our team will ensure that an effective and appropriate treatment plan is created for your unique wants and needs.

What is a smile analysis?

A smile analysis is a comprehensive evaluation of your smile’s aesthetics and functionality. It involves assessing various aspects of your dental health, including tooth alignment, shape, color, and overall oral hygiene. The goal is to understand how these elements contribute to the overall appearance of your smile and to identify areas where improvements can be made.

What are the different types of smile analysis?

There are several types of smile analysis, each focusing on different aspects of your smile:

  1. Cosmetic Smile Analysis: This focuses on enhancing the appearance of your smile by evaluating tooth shape, color, and alignment to recommend cosmetic treatments like whitening, veneers, or bonding.
  2. Functional Smile Analysis: This assesses how well your teeth function together, identifying issues such as bite problems or misalignment that might affect your oral health.
  3. Comprehensive Smile Analysis: This combines elements of both cosmetic and functional analyses, providing a holistic view of your smile and recommending a tailored treatment plan.

Call us today for your complimentary assessment!

Call Us About A Smile Analysis Today 

  • Refresh your smile
  • Treat any gum and/or periodontal disease
  • Discuss your candidacy for a variety of cosmetic dentistry treatments
  • Foster a more youthful look with specific dental updates
  • Improve your smile confidence and speech clarity.